How to Get Vapes & Smokes Ads Approval on Facebook and Google Ads

Do you need help to get vapes and smokes ads approval on different social media platforms? If yes, then there is no need to be worried anymore. You can easily overcome the issue by investing and seeking help from CBD ads agency. A successful ad campaign will enhance brand awareness and generate ideal web traffic to your vapes and smokes website. 

The legality of advertising smoke and vapes depends on different factors, such as the country or platform you are advertising now. Regarding Google and Facebook, neither social media platform allows ads and promotions of e-cigarettes or vapes. However, a reliable ad agency can help you get smokes ads approval across platforms. 

We suggest you utilize the services of a CBD ads agency. It has great experience in running successful ad campaigns for vapes and tobacco products across restricted platforms like Google and Facebook. CBD ads agency runs creative ad campaigns for your smoke business and helps you get ad approval through cloaking. 

This article will discuss getting approval for vape and smoke ads on Facebook and Google. 

Advertising Vapes on Facebook and Google 

Facebook and Google have stringent rules and restrictions, so it is not allowed to advertise vapes and smoking on these platforms. Both platforms do not allow the promotion of tobacco or related products.

Facebook has guidelines prohibiting tobacco product promotion, sale, and use. Only those ads for tobacco can be promoted on Facebook that don’t involve smoking, like nicotine patches. However, it would help if you took care of stringent advertising rules for tobacco products. Facebook uses technology to target and ban ads that promote vapes, smokes, and related paraphernalia. 

Similarly, Google also doesn’t allow the promotion of smoke and vapes as these products can cause harm. According to Google, smoke and e-cigarettes fall under the category of dangerous goods. However, ads that promote quitting smoking are promoted by Google and allowed on the platform. 

As a result, it becomes very challenging for the vape and smoke industry to promote their products through ads on Google and Facebook. Both platforms have ad bots and human reviewers who constantly check the ads and ban restricted ad campaigns. 

Smokes Ads Approval

What is Cloaking?

Cloaking is a valuable technique that shows one ad version to the target audience and the other to Google’s and Facebook’s automated systems and search engine crawlers. It involves the creation of a safe page and an offer page. 

Ad bots and reviewers see the secure page, which complies with all platform policies you are advertising. On the other hand, an offer page is specifically designed for a target human audience. The cloaking technique provides a great way to circumvent the strict policies of Google and Facebook. 

CBD ad agency use incredible cloaking software and scripts to differentiate between human audiences and automated systems. They use the IP address and user agent of the viewer to determine the type of visitor and show compliant or non-compliant ads accordingly. 

Facebook and Google Ads

How Does the CBD Ads Agency Get Your Vape and Smokes Ads Approval?

Here’s how a CBD ads agency uses techniques you can apply for vapes and smokes on Facebook and Google. 

  1. Setup of Cloaking Software:

CBD ads agency creates a customized URL for the safe page. The safe page and URL are designed for ad bots and reviewers and are fully compliant with the platform’s rules and restrictions. Moreover, cloaking software is also implemented, which helps detect the IP addresses of all visitors. This way, cloaking distinguishes between the audience depending on their IP address, user-agent strings, and browsing history. 

  1. Detection of Bots and Search Engine Crawlers:

CBD ads agency’s cloaking setup reviews each visitor’s IP address and cross-checks with its updated IP database to prevent ad bots from seeing the restricted smoke ad. Indeed, an IP matches the bots’ IP addresses in the database. In that case, the cloaking software immediately detects the ad bot and shows it the safe ad accordingly. The CBD ads agency also utilizes user-agent strings to identify ad reviewers and automated systems. It knows about user-agent strings that possess Facebook and Google’s ad reviewers. 

Benefits of Cloaking For Smokes and Vapes Adverts

Bypass Ad Review:

Cloaking is crucial for bypassing ad reviews on Google and Facebook to promote vapes. CBD ad agencies utilize cloaking to show policy-compliant ads to automated systems. On the other hand, it shows the violating ad that promotes vapes and smokes to target human audiences.

Targets Right Audience:

After getting ad approval for your vapes and e-cigarette ad campaign, CBD ads agency targets specific audiences for your business. This increases the reach and engagement of smoke ads on Facebook and Google. With the help of cloaking, you can get higher click-through rates (CTR) and ideal ad conversions

Ideal Campaign Scaling:

Cloaking provides regular information about your ads’ insights. It can identify potential issues and hurdles in the ad campaign. Therefore, you can also change tactics for running a successful ad campaign. This allows you to enhance your ad reach and prevent the potential risks of ad disapproval. 

Why is the CBD Ads Agency Ideal for Getting Smokes Ads Approval?

CBD ads agencies have significant experience getting ad approval for marijuana, tobacco, cannabis, hemp, and weight loss pills or businesses. Advertising of these products is not allowed on popular social media platforms, including Facebook and Google. Therefore, you must partner with a CBD ads agency to get approval. Here are some benefits of hiring CBD ads agency.

  • It scales and monitors your ad campaigns. 
  • It creates compelling ad campaigns for your smokes and vapes business. 
  • It offers a robust cloaking setup.
  • It targets the right audience suitable for your niche. 
  • It gets easy ad approval on Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube, Bing, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. 


It is challenging to get vape and smokes ads approval on Facebook and Google because of the strict policies for tobacco products. However, with the help of cloaking, you can bypass all the restrictions and promote your smoking business. 

CBD ads agency is here to help you and approve your ad. It utilizes cloaking techniques to show different versions of advertisements to other users. For more information, contact us or visit our website,

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